Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bird ona wire01 Much like the swallows of Capistrano, a Purple Martin will return each and every year to their previous nesting place. It is still an unknown phenomena exactly how they can find so precisely the nesting place each year, but they surely do.
  This is a story of one Purple Martin that got lost on his journey home. He was en route to scout for the colony that would soon follow him, when a storm came in quickly and ferociously. It blew the little bird way off its intended course and they ended up in the middle of the Atlantic ocean...
View from the top   Luckily a sailor came along and the little friend found refuge on their vessel. It stayed with them for a day and built its energy back up to venture back to its nesting ground. The Martins and Swallows are all due shortly this year, and hopefully our little friend will have a less adventurous travel to find their home.
Bird ona wire02   The Purple Martin is also an incredible flyer and aerial acrobat. The swept wing of the bird allows for them to be so agile, and is also used in the design of fighter jets, especially the F-14 Tomcat which has the ability to sweep its wings during flight.

The genus name of the Purple Martin is Progne, which is derived from the Greek word Procne…..daughter of Pandion. As mythology reveals, she was transformed into a swallow, which is a bird of the same family as the purple martin. Pandion was a legendary king of Athens, and it was said that he died of grief once he discovered the death of his daughter Procne.
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